Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Glorious Art of Salad Gallery

Art of Salad
Food is so beautiful. I get a little caught up in just how amazing it is. It's definitely a love affair with details. Having these earth gifts packed with nutrition is one thing, but composing them into artful arrangements, appealing to the eye, is quite another...for me, it happens naturally. I seldom style the plate. I let it style itself. Yes, I do have some sense of what is going on in-process but I want the food to look natural. I used to be really finicky about cutting everything exactly the same size with laser precision and although I have deep respect for this disciplined looked a bit too staged. I now prefer a more homestyle cut and when dressing the plate, I let things fall naturally.

Once I finish, I photograph it. Not too unlike the original plate, I don't generally want to mess with what it really looks like. Today I changed my mind and threw a photo filter on these images. It's still the original lighting and everything else but it accents the edges. Other than that, it's the original shot crop.

Salad plate with Crispy Tortilla Bits
My appreciation of nature and its personal expression started when I was very young. I remember walking home from school and picking honeysuckle off the fence—looking at it from every angle before I ate it.

When you love and appreciate things on this level they feed you for life. They are intimate moments with yourself that you savor. Who you really are on a soul level comes to the surface and you feel at one with life.

I hope you'll find some of those moments today and hold them close to your heart. They are a reflection of your own beauty just waiting to be discovered.
Standing ovation romaine and carrots
This image astounded me with its simple grace.
Art of Salad Full Plate
Then of course, you get to enjoy eating the art on your plate...or serve it to someone who will feel the joy and nourish themselves with delight.

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