Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Toast to Toast and Toasters

A healthy alternative to jamming your toast with calories. Lightly toasted bread with peanut butter and grape slices.  A few fresh grape slices add a bit of festivity and the kids will love it. If you don't like peanut butter or have peanut allergies, go for a nice spread of honey on your bread. Equally delicious!

Art of Toast with peanut Butter and Grape Slices

Peanut Butter Toast with Grape Slices with a bite out

Life made easier...

A beautiful quick snack or breakfast, this toasty treat is courtesy of our toaster. Early bread was toasted on a long-handled toasting fork cooked over a fire or grill. The first electric toaster was created by Alan MacMasters in Edinburgh, Scotland. US Patent application and use of a new type of wire, called chromel, invented by George Schneider in 1906, changed electric heating appliances forever. Other brands came to market in 1909, one by General Electric, hailed as 'the first commercially successful electric toaster.'
The automatic pop-up toaster was patented in 1919 by Charles Strite and went on to become know as the Toastmaster. Advanced technology has toasters doing some pretty amazing toasting a weather prediction onto your toast, while another has a color sensor that allows you to get the exact shade of brown you like...what's next in toasters? I can't wait to see...I have a few ideas of my own.

But for today, I'll serve you a new slice of flavor to consider. Enjoy.


  1. Great idea for the kids (and for me)!!

  2. Grapes add a nice freshness and are easy for little mouths to eat since they are in thin slices. Cut some up ahead of time and you'll have them on hand for a very quick and nourishing breakfast or snack. Hope you'll try it soon.
