Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Year-Round Healthy-Heart Valentine

Happy Heart Valentine

We are coming up on Valentine's Day. For some this is a happy celebration, for others, without a love in their life, it can be a challenge. During these times you may forget to love yourself, one of the most important things you can do for a happier, healthier life.

Today, I'd like to suggest that a heart-healthy diet is a year-round valentine you can give yourself. There is a ton of information on this topic but here are a few highlights to get you thinking in this direction with a link to a great place you can get a pdf to download as a guide.

First things to take off your plate, or eat/drink as minimally as possible.

1. Processed meats as they are high in salt and preservatives.
2. Highly refined processed grains and carbohydrates. (Away from nature foods).
3. Soda

Great Go-to Foods:

1. Fruits and Veggies
2. Whole Grains
3. Fat-Free or Low Fat Dairy Products
4. Fish, Skinless Poultry, Lean Meats, Dry Beans, Eggs and Nuts
5. Tomatoes and Tomato Products
6. Orange and Grapefruit Juice
7. Lettuce
8. Papayas


1. Fish
2. Canola Oil
3. Soybean Oil
4. Walnuts
5. Ground Flax seed and Flax seed Oil

Flavonoids: Up your Potassium In-Take

1. Red Grapes
2. Berries
3. Apples
4. Broccoli
5. White and Sweet Potatoes


1. Limit your intake of salt to 2/3 teaspoon-1500 mg per day
2. Use other spices to add flavor

For more information:

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