Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Get Some Delicious-In Season Asparagus

Just looking at this image of asparagus will make you feel good. There are many health benefits to eating asparagus, so while it's in season you can enjoy an extra boost of fresh and healthy. It's a rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins (A,K,B) as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds. Asparagus is also  a great source of potassium. One spear is 32mg. A half a cup of cooked, boiled asparagus is 224 mg. If you are not eating it the same day you purchase it, store it in the refrigerator with the tips wrapped in a wet paper towel. I also stand it up in a small amount of water. Eat fresh asparagus within 48 hours for the most benefit. If you want to eat just a small amount add the spears as a salad topping.

NOTE: This is not a food to eat if you have high potassium levels.

cooked and plated asparagus stalks
Crisp salad with grilled chicken, warm mushrooms and cooked asparagus

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