Monday, June 24, 2013

Top This! Pizza

Pizza Creations
Man, oh man. I thought I’d do a little ditty on pizza…looked around and everyone has basically the same info stuffing’s. Topping that, none of it was that compelling. I think what I enjoyed the most was trolling my brain for taglines that stick like mozzarella to the roof of your sensory stimulations. First is Pizza! Pizza! recently reintroduced by Little Caesar’s. Next, Get the door, It’s Domino’s! Third, It’s not delivery, It’s DiGiorno.

Two use a bang to end their expressive declarations…like that’s gonna make you ask you for extra pepperoni and put them on speed dial. Maybe so?

I did not create any of these but I think they hit the mark for short and sweet. No question about what they are offering or what their positioning is. Fast, delicious is the big delivery.

Last night was ‘what’s in the freezer night.’ Usually, I have a good idea of what I want well ahead of time. I shop for the ingredients, do the prep and then start my personal masterpiece.  ‘What’s in the freezer night’ is different for everyone, and what you do with it can make all the difference.

One thing is for sure—pizza is a good thing to have stashed away. I like thin crust with nothing on it but cheese so I can make it my own creation. Self-rising are also good. Of course, there is nothing like hand-tossed, fresh dough, but when you don’t have that…well, most times it’s just you and your pizza anyway—so dive into the freezer and pull out your secret favorite.

Globally, flavor preferences are quite varied. My weird favorite is dill pickles and feta. All that brinery seems to cut the overly oilio of cheese. One that does not appeal to me is a favorite in Russia. A mix of fishy—sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon and red onions. Have never tried it, but they like Squid ink in Japan. Thanks, I’ll stick with black olives if I want a little dark contrast on my pizza horizon. How about coconut, mutton, peas, eel or eggs? Overall, anchovies are the least favored pizza topping.

Who care’s what anyone else likes. When it comes to your pizza…pick what you like.  If I were coming up with a brand name/tagline for a line of pizzas and toppings, it would be “Top This!” with a bang. I would like to see a copious selection of toppings—fresh and frozen, right next to the basic cheese varieties. That way, I could grab a selection of my favorites and get toppin’ my signature pie.

The pizza in my image is a frozen, self-rising, private label version. Can you tell who’s it is? I added the fresh toppings. Simple, but nice.

Pizza on Cutting Board
TIP: Even if it’s frozen, it’s still cooked by you. Add some love, designed and delivered by you. Oh, and keep an eye out for TOP THIS! PIZZA PIE & TOPPINGS™.Theme: It’s all about homemade. This is what happens when you create your own anything. You come up with great ideas like I did. Get cookin' and start lookin' for the next wonderful wave.

Pizza Creations!™ and other fun things by you.

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