Saturday, June 29, 2013

Everyday Edification and Affection

Sunbowl with Candle setting

I’m lucky—I am intuitive. I can feel the vibrational resonance of things. I know which ingredients are filled with the most love and light and will provide the most beneficial nurturing. On some level we all do it. When we shop we choose a certain apple or banana. We reach for certain mushrooms in the bin, we hand select the snow peas. One by one, we move though the market making choices. Even one box or jar over another on the shelf, one check out line over another.

What we interact with does mingle with us. That’s why sometimes you may not enjoy a meal. Every person involved in the process of food makery has energy that is being infused into what you eat. Low vibration—funky energy from others, or from the seed itself—can find its way to your table.

In our family we were taught to pray over our food. The blessing of giving thanks for the food we were about to enjoy was essential. It’s more important now than ever. You hear a good deal about what is happening in our food chain, some quite alarming. The simple addition of praying over your food will help rebalance the equation. How you pray, or what you say is important. Be mindful of your intention and words. Thank you comes first.

Next time you go to the market, eat out, or find yourself at a banquet…stop for a moment—center yourself and sense the vortex's of vitality. Listen to your instincts and you will feel its nudging's to nourishment. Your intuition will talk to you.

Also, when you cook—be grateful. Exude your appreciation for every ingredient. Friend your food and it will pay you back in kind. Serve it with joy. It will feel good and taste better. The secret sauce is gratitude.

Your family and customers will taste the calibration. You’ve balanced everything—you’ve engaged the essence; you’ve infused the ingredients and your environment with your vitality, your love.

Never underestimate your skill in crafting cuisine into the full on flavor of The Divine. You make the difference. You are a valuable instrument in the kitchen. Even how you wash your dishes and pans is to be done with grace. Think about it. You eat from these every day. Your vibration and focus affect the resonant outcome.

It’s called energetics.  Nourishment starts with enjoyment. Entrain your brain and heart to the song of satisfaction.

Why? It matters. GMO and other things influence whether or not your food is truly feeding you.

Pray over your food and rebalance it with your love. If possible, light a candle. Eat slowly, savor each bite and be thankful. If you are preparing or serving food to others, give it an extra boost of vitality before you offer a plate…your energetic signature is all over it. Make it worthwhile with a smile.

TIP: Your own mood, and energy attitude is a part of what you are drawn to. Do take the time to align with positivity and your table will be set for success.

Note: This inner ringed bowl with the candle centerpiece, set on a sheet of nori, is an artistic representation of our rings of influence. The ripple effect. Shine your light of edification and affection in all you do—please and thank you.


Labyrinth Bowl
Earthbowl on Nori

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