Monday, June 17, 2013

Bikini Burger…this is no slopper!

Bikini Burger with grape tomato salad with fresh basil, side of fingerling potatoes on white plate
Grow some love, fresh Basil on garden table in sunshine
There’s so much talk about burgers. Every Country and State has its own version. Even who invented it is not a sure thing. Some say Louis’ Lassen of the famed Louis’ Lunch in New Haven, Connecticut—rivals contest. It gained national recognition at the 1904 St. Louis World’s fair. The Library of Congress declares Louis the winner of the first hamburger in 1900. The term, hamburger, originates from Hamburg, Germany. There’s lots of history on the hamburger, and who created it, but all claims aside—everyone loves a burger.

On the lighter side of burgers, one of my favorites hailed from The Good Earth. It was called a Planet Burger. It’s the only veggie burger I’ve ever loved. No matter how many burgers you have tasted, this one was without a doubt…delicious x10…x10! Cooked brown rice, chickpeas, onion, cooked red or adzuki beans, carrot, almonds, (flour or breadcrumbs work too), unsalted sunflowers seeds, fresh parsley, soy sauce, eggs and dried thyme. Cooks in about 5 minutes. Amazing.

I know, yesterday was Father’s Day and there were probably more than enough burgers to go around…but my Dad’s gone grazin’ and so I still felt the urge to grill.

This is what I call the Bikini Burger. A bunless delight of prime flavors. Mini-portions to help keep calories to a minimum.

The burger had Habanero and Jalapeno pepper bits grilled into the yummy. I served it with a quick toss of grape tomatoes, basil from the garden, a touch of salt and a splash of vinaigrette. I quickly de-seed the little gems, but leave a few for flavor, thin slice the basil, and before you can say, hamburger…its hopped on top.

Add a few fingerling potatoes. I just massage them in EVOO after a good wash and then top them with red pepper flakes and black pepper. If you like them spicy…pile on the hotties. Depending on the size, and how you like your potatoes…20 minutes should do it.

If I have leftover potatoes, as I often do…I make skinny fries the next day or breakfast hashbrowns. They are also great for cold potato salad. Keep them on the al dente side and they will re-cook and re-serve with much better results.

TIP: Eat this! and you will have a much more likely chance of feeling good in your bikini…thus the name. Keep fresh basil on hand and you will never be without some nice meal attire. If anyone asks you who invented the Bikini Burger…you will know, without a doubt, it came from me on this day in history. 6-17-2013…in my backyard, on a sunny, breezy evening—cooking by myself, for myself. Amen.



    1. One of the goals of this blog is to inspire creativity.
      Your version of this sounds delicious too. Thanks!
