Friday, June 14, 2013

Dinner for Two, Wedding Bells and Beautiful Settings.

Wood handled brushed finish fork on scroll board with plate on tiger oak table
I could have spent a week styling this shot, but got so excited I just laid it out—shot the pics and started writing. The inspiration is really about falling in love with this fork. Yes, I love the others too, but I think I fondled the salad fork for about 20 minutes—feeling the weight in my hand. There was one set that was similar in design. One-third the price, but it was all metal. In the end, I chose this…because I fell in love. It is the closest thing to a paintbrush I have ever felt. Ahhh! Delicious.

Last week I wrote about chopsticks…this is a close second on being light in your hand. It’s salad fork ballet.

Then, I started thinking wow—this is great date night attire. Next it was, wow, this would make a great wedding gift…if I didn’t stop to write this, I’d still be thinking up more ideas…

So, here’s the skinny. It’s wedding time—and if you’re looking for a perfect gift…this is it! Buy two place settings. Indicate with your card that these can only be used by the couple on special occasions, or date night, and that no one else ever eats from them. They are sacred instruments to be honored.

I think it’s an amazing tradition to start…so I’m doing it…starting now. Pick whatever plates and other stuff you want to include…but remember, only two place settings!

If couples start to honor date night and special occasions as celebrations of love, sit down for a great meal and enjoy each others company—it will go a long way toward keeping the romance alive.

And, the dish ran away with the spoon…

TIP: If possible, check in with the other guests to decide who will present this gift at the reception with a toast. It’s not something that will work if more than one set is bought. Maybe this is best suited to being given by parents of the couple, or best friends. If you are not yet a couple, you can always buy them and put them in your hope chest. BTW-Crate&Barrel.

PS. This isn't the last you have seen of this set...I love it so much, I'll be showcasing it in other shots. It has already paid for itself in joy.

fork, knife, spoon of wood handled place setting on table on plate

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