Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Quesacheeza or Black Bean Burrito

I wish I could say I did not eat this after making it, but I did. Cheese has been off my list for some time now. Oh, I have a little bit here and there on salads, or a little Parmesan garnish, but this soon to be burrito was off the charts with cheese. It is the last of the black bean series and it seemed like a nice send off. I used to eat cheese every day and it's been one of the hardest things to let go of. I mean, what doesn't taste better with cheese? So, I rolled it up and ate the whole thing. Fortunately it was a small tortilla wrap and now I can get back to my new routine; walking by the cheese counter with loving eyes as I make my way toward the veggie and nut aisle. I suppose this cheese should never have ended up in my basket in the first place. I do keep some things on hand for others and as I said, a sprinkle here and there is okay but maybe I need to just stop bringing it home. Too tempting.

Tortilla with cheese melt black beans salsa and sour cream

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