Thursday, August 1, 2013

Speed Eating Mannerisms

mouth full message cartoon

Movies glamorize speed eating with various shows depicting grabbing a hot dog after a court win or nabbing a suspect, or you see couples slopping on some Chinese while they talk to one another...I don't understand this informal way of eating. It disengages you from the food and gives no credit line at the end. And, it's not pretty. I'm not going to say anything directly to someone doing this, it is their mannerism. But I thought I might mention it for the sake of good manners. Slow down, enjoy your food and a napkin is your friend.

In fact, this would make a fun napkin design...


  1. hmmm....
    really will ponder this!

  2. Showing this in an illustration makes it a little easier to laugh at. It's just a suggestion. If you are in the habit of doing this and want to stop, good for you...but I will add, if you are eating by yourself, and talking to yourself at the same time...well, that's probably ok. :D
