Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Brands Mix it up with Double, Triple, Quad Headers

What's Next? Who's on first? Have you noticed an uptick of brands that are combining? It's getting a little confusing. Today's news marks the third product introduction from Taco Bell with Doritos Locos Taco (DLT Fiery Tacos) and although I think it's a great idea, I am not sure why Taco Bell didn't just create their own crunchy flavor shells and keep to its brand roots. Do these brands feel they can't stand on their own feet anymore? I think the first time I realized odd combos was when I saw side-by-side restaurants in the same building. KFC with Taco Bell...hmm. Where am I? The mingled smells were not appetizing.

Next, private labels started featuring their brands in other stores. What? Okay, I get that it will generate more profits but something just seems out of place when a private label is double dating. It loses some of its appeal when a home store product has an affair...O'my.

By contrast, I can see both sides of this positioning and remain open to changing my now.

Jell-O is on to make a refreshing comeback with its famous brand and a new tagline, Fun Things Up.

I did not see anything fun or imaginative, although that is their, I'm going to give them a little nudge and play with a little brand combo of my own. How about some new flavors...Jolly Rancher Jell-O anyone? or give me something the kids will love—like Jiggy-Jiggle Shape Trays in fun shapes that I can re-use. First I can buy the pre-made and then I can buy the box product...or how about giving me smaller, individual packages so I can make my own flavor combos...Strawberry Grape, Orange Apple, you get the idea...

As a brand creative I come up with new ideas all the time. New products, new flavors, new names and I can tell you, it's almost impossible to get the companies to talk with you. If they have not contracted with you as a consultant, you have to give all rights up if you share an idea and of course, they can't tell you anything about what might or might not be in R&D. And then they want to crowd source or contest when it's their turn at the chip bat.

Whichever team you are on about brand combos...this is a little food for thought...and if you want some truly original thinking, contact me.

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