Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Entertaining Simple Pleasures

This sounds easy enough. My research shows this is what consumers are looking for. Crafted, clean, fresh, homemade, nourishing, healthful ingredients that bring great taste to the table, evoke trust, show social concern, respect the growers and satisfy our emotional needs.

The first time I experienced this kind of delicious delight I was about nine. I had a wonderful friend whose mother canned her own strawberry jam and whipped up fresh buttermilk biscuits like you've never tasted.

We got up early to go to a horse show of rodeo and barrel racing and this was set out for our pleasure at the breakfast table. They were unassuming people with a love of all things true. They rode their horses with a solid knowing of the partnership between the horse and rider.

This same kind of reverence went in to the food they prepared. They were what some would call all-natural. No make-up, no BS, homegrown goodness. I never forgot this experience. When I cook, I always aspire to bring this ingredient to the table. True Love.

After years of all the fuss and fanfare of buzzwords in the food community—natural, artisan, local, authentic, farm-to-table, gourmet, new American, modern, fusion and sustainable, we've come full circle to a plate of simple pleasures.

My friends mother never knew the impact she had on me that day. It was her normal, everyday love that was folded in to my heart.

The next time you prepare a meal, matters to someone that you cared enough to take the time to offer them some wholesome goodness. It goes a long way when you feed a soul...simple as it may sound, it's a tall order for those that have been caught up in trying to impress.

If you are going to theme a meal adventure with your regional fare, make sure the garniture is golden.

It will shine bright for years in the heart of those you feed.

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